10 Tips to Resist Temptations and Hunger | How to Lose Weight?

You are very greedy and you can not lose weight because you are always hungry, you eat all the time and you are wondering how to resist temptations in order to lose weight. 

This article presents several tips and techniques to help you control your impulses with regard to chocolate, sweets or cravings that crave you. These daily reflexes are concrete solutions that will put you back in the right path of thinness.

When trying to lose weight and especially through a diet, one must do more sports in order to melt fat and this can increase hunger. Moreover, the change in food rhythm in proportions, quantities, types of food makes your body can end up with certain deficiencies that are at the origin of your desires for delicacies, which can make you crack. 

For this, it is often advisable to accompany a weight loss with dietary supplements whose objective will be to bring you the nutrients that you lack following the practice of your diet. This will refresh your cravings for gluttony and diminish your gourmet habits. See also our plan section to find out which method is right for you. 

The Cohen diet is well suited to people who want to lose weight but who are  greedy because it allows to eat everything. 

1: Control your appetite with acupressure

Some parts of our body can be manipulated to suppress the feeling of hunger. It is enough to exert pressure on specific energy points of our body what is called: acupressure. These points when stimulated under pressure give a signal to control our appetite and reduce our hunger.

  • The lobe of the ear

The most important point to control the appetite is located just in the area next to the small piece of flesh that protrudes from the inside of the ear over the earlobe. Grasp this part with your thumb and forefinger and press with constant pressure for 3 minutes.

  • The upper lip

Another appetite control point is located between the upper lip and the nose. It's not exactly in the center but about a third away from the nose. Applying moderate pressure for about 1 to 3 minutes will decrease your appetite.

  • The elbow

Another important pressure point to reduce hunger and cravings is located in the bend of the elbow. This is done by bending the arms and pressing the point at the outer crease of the elbows. Applying a pressure of 1 to 3 minutes when you are hungry will help you control yourself and avoid eating problems related to emotional reactions.

2: Count slowly up to 100 as soon as you have a greedy desire

This may sound stupid but counting up to 100 is a great way to avoid eating under the effect of urges. This will give you time to think before putting something in your mouth so that you can realize that you may not be hungry, that it is not necessary to eat this chocolate bar, in short, to give you time To reason with you. In the majority of cases when one is greedy, one eats without even realizing it. Having this reflex counting before eating something will also entertain your thoughts and make you forget the urge for sweets or sweets you had previously. By the time you reach the number 100, you will realize most of the time that you are not really hungry. On the other hand.

3: Pinch yourself where you want to see your fats disappear when you have temptations

Passing a bakery, you see all the viennoiseries or sweets offer themselves to you and you do not know how to resist them, so they seem appetizing to you? Try pinching the fat or bulges of your stomach, arms or thighs to remind you how much you want to refine those parts of your body. With each situation, you have to establish a reflex to better control you. Pinching the love handles or the skin hanging under your arms will make you think that if you nib more, you will have to suffer even more to succeed in losing those pounds you want to get rid of. Whenever you feel hungry simply because you are greedy, reason yourself by touching or pinching the parts of your body that you dislike most,

4: Drink white tea to control her hunger

White tea is actually a green tea with a much shorter processing process. It is slightly oxidized and comes from buds and young leaves that are much richer in nutrients which explains are hungry cut effect. It helps to suppress the appetite and since it contains less caffeine than other teas, it also helps to lower cholesterol. When you have a pit, drink white tea rather than swallow muffins or cookies. White tea would also reduce obesity by regulating fat storage. On the other hand, it has the advantage of being a powerful antioxidant to strengthen the body's natural defenses against free radicals.

5: Brush your teeth and tongue several times a day if you are too greedy

Brushing is one way to keep you from eating too greedy mainly between meals. By brushing your teeth systematically after each meal, not only will you protect your teeth in the first place, but you will have a case of additional consciousness if you face a temptation such as sweets, sweets or salted crisps for example. By having teeth always very clean, you will become less greedy because you may hesitate to be eaten between meals. The obstacle is to say, "I will not eat this now because I just brushed my teeth and I do not want to spoil my fresh breath". Promote mint or peppermint (peppermint) toothpaste that also has appetite suppressant properties.

6: Learn to nibble healthily to lose weight when you're tasty

You are a very greedy person and you can not lose weight because you are always hungry and you eat all the time. If you do not succeed in changing your eating habits and you can not stop snacking constantly, the solution is to choose healthy snacks or snacks without calories that will not make you fat. The ideas for healthy snacks abound and are easy to bring to the office such as nuts, seeds, cereal bars with whole grains, bananas, crackers whole wheat. When you are at home, you can eat sticks Raw vegetables, cucumber with low-fat cheese or unsweetened applesauce.

7: Never do shopping or shopping stomach hollow when you are greedy

It's well known, when and where a gourmet person will have the most temptations and will have more tendencies to crack is when it's shopping. Shop shelves have been designed with this in mind. The merchandising of a large surface takes into account the behaviors and the impulses of the consumers, the shelves and the gondolas are arranged so that you can not resist the envy of a delicious chocolate bar. With this in mind, do not put more sticks in the wheels because the temptation will be even greater. This means that to lose weight, it is crucial never to shop or shop without having eaten or nibbled some things from healthy before.

If you are slightly hungry and you push your caddy through the shelves, your brain will never stop sending you signals to make you succumb to your impulses. If you do your shopping 1 time a week, plan a good snack before to be sure to manage to control yourself and resist greedy sin. It is also advisable for greedy people who want to lose weight to put their feet less often in the shops, so space your purchases as much as possible.

8: Gradually reduce your sugar intake to become less greedy

Recent studies have shown that weight gain and obesity are hormonal problems caused by eating too much sugar making it addictive. By consuming too much sugar, your body can become resistant to insulin and by snowball effect, resistant to lepton which is the hormone that regulates the appetite and signals to the brain that it is time to stop eating For the body is satisfied. When the hormonal functioning of the lepton becomes abnormal, your body will not be able to send a clear signal to your brain which will result in overeating.

To begin reducing your sugar intake, do it gradually so that your body can adjust slowly. For example, you can start reducing your usual sugar intake by one-third. If you put 2 pieces of sugar in your coffee, put only one or a half.

In the long run, eating less sugar will make you lose weight twice. On the one hand by reducing its quantity which is largely responsible for overweight and unsightly roundness. On the other hand, you will succeed in regaining a hormonal regulation of your normal hunger and you will become less greedy.

9: Practice meditation to lose weight by evacuating all the gluttony that is in you

Sometimes, eating all the time or still hungry is a consequence of stress. You are not necessarily greedy for fun. In many cases, gluttony is a psychic response to a stressful environment. Meditation can relieve your stress and help you relax so that you become conscious again of what you eat and what you want to eat. You will be able to discern better if you are really hungry or not. Meditation can be done simply at home. Simply isolate yourself in a quiet corner when you get home from work, sit comfortably in a suit, close your eyes and breathe deeply by not thinking about anything for 10 minutes. Yoga is also an excellent practice.

10: Motivate yourself with good reasons for not being greedy and not eating all the time

The fight against our own desires can be really difficult. It is often read that his worst enemy is himself and that is true. To be able to succeed in what you do, you need realistic goals and an iron will. The desire for bad things (sugar, salt, chocolate, fat) can be replaced by the desire for positive things (slimming, beauty, well-being, self-confidence) Both in his mind and in his body. It's no use telling myself I do not have to be greedy, I do not have to eat this or that if you are not convinced by a final goal.

You have to find the motivation that will be a click for you. Often a painful experience can be an excellent motivation but you have to tend towards positive things like wanting to live longer, wanting to feel more attractive and beautiful, wanting to wear such and such a garment, feel more active and less "popote" To play with your children. Find your final goal. Do not try to lose weight just to lose weight but give yourself a good reason to stop being greedy.



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